Compile your financial estimates and budget allocations, letting these figures shape the framework of your celebration. Share this fiscal plan with those who will work alongside you to bring your vision to life.

<aside> <img src="/icons/link_pink.svg" alt="/icons/link_pink.svg" width="40px" /> ~ Quick Access ~


Wedding Budget

Major Expenses

Everyday Expenses

Overview of Spending


<aside> <img src="/icons/drafts_pink.svg" alt="/icons/drafts_pink.svg" width="40px" /> ~ Notes ~

→ add any small notes here

e.g. Total Wedding Budget: $25,000


<aside> <img src="/icons/checklist_pink.svg" alt="/icons/checklist_pink.svg" width="40px" /> ~ Budget To Do’s ~



Wedding Budget

Major Expenses

Everyday Expenses

Overview of Spending

Expenses Database