Gather your vendor options, insights and other research, laying the groundwork for your journey to the perfect wedding day. Let this compass direct you towards crafting a celebration that resonates with your vision.

<aside> <img src="/icons/link_pink.svg" alt="/icons/link_pink.svg" width="40px" /> ~ Quick Access ~


Initial Research

Refinement Phase

Final Selections


<aside> <img src="/icons/drafts_pink.svg" alt="/icons/drafts_pink.svg" width="40px" /> ~ Notes ~

→ add any small notes here


<aside> <img src="/icons/checklist_pink.svg" alt="/icons/checklist_pink.svg" width="40px" /> ~ Research To Do’s ~



<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_pink.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_pink.svg" width="40px" /> Discover a valuable set of initial questions for your vendors here, designed to help you get those conversations started.


Initial Research

Refinement Phase

Final Selections

Research Database